
Gerakan yang tangkas, lincah, anggun dan penuh susila disulami langkah meliuk disajikan melalui tarian zapin yang hidup subur berakar umbi hampir ke seluruh pelusuk alam Melayu. Zapin hidup sebagai suatu kesenian sebati dalam upacara budaya dan seni masyarakat Melayu yang sangat dekat dengan unsur-unsur Islam.

Kata dasar nuansa bermaksud perbezaan atau kelainan yang halus dan sangat sedikit pada bunyi, makna, perasaan, warna serta rupa. Berdiri dalam sifat yang sama tetapi mempunyai jurang yang amat halus di antaranya. Di situlah terletaknya keunikan Zapin yang mekar dengan struktur persembahan seakan hampir sama, namun berdiri atas keunikan dalam kepelbagaian tersendiri.

Justeru dipersembahkan dalam genre tradisional dengan pengekalan struktur dan sifat asal sebuah tari tradisi Zapin itu sendiri.

- Nyala Dance Theatre




The agile, nimble, sleek and vibrant movement of the Zapin is presented through a dance that is imbued in the rich history of almost all corners of the Malay world.  Zapin lives throughout in the Malay culture encompassing art and religious ceremonies in perpendicular to or close to elements of religion i.e., elements of Islamic fundamentals.

The basic meaning of Nuansa is that of the dance that brings about a subtle twist in sound, meaning, feeling, colour as well as appearance. Standing same in nature but with a wide but subtle gap between them. Herein lies the uniqueness that is the Zapin Nuansa that blooms with its own unique structure, similar to the typical Zapin yet stands on the uniqueness of its own diversity. Thus, it will be presented in the traditional genre with the retention of the natural structure and nature of the origin of a traditional Zapin dance.

- Nyala Dance Theatre